Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bad Education

Bad Education is a film by acclaimed Spaniard director Pedro Almodóvar. The movie is about a two men, Enrique and Ignacio who have a history of love and tragedy together in and all boys religious school. The only problem was Father Manolo, the principle was also in love with Ignacio. Father Manolo is obsessed with Ignacio and will not let anyone near him. Enrique is kicked out of the school so he can no longer be with Ignacio.

16 years later, Enrique is a up an coming film director looking for his next big project, when and old friend comes to visit him. Ignacio is all grown up and has the next feature length hit for Enrique to make. Enrique is excited to see Ignacio again, but something does not seem. Enrique reads the script and see that the script is very much like his past. He agrees to do it but still feels weird around Ignacio who can not seem to remember their past relationship.

Enrique finds out that Ignacio is really dead and Angel is pretending to be him. They continue to make the movie regardless of the truth that has been told, but Enrique decides to change the ending and have Zahra die. While filming the ending we see the real Father Manolo arrive and the true story of Ignacio is revealed. We find out that Father Manolo is no longer a priest and that Ignacio has become a transvestite. Ignacio is writing a screenplay about the story of his life and tries to blackmail Manolo. Manolo and Angel fall in love and kill Ignacio by having him over dose on drugs. The movie is complete and it is a hit. Angel becomes a famous actor, Angel kills Manolo for trying to blackmail him, and Enrique becomes a famous director.

To me the major theme in this movie is blackmail. Everyone in the movie is on there own agenda and only cares for themselves. Throughout the movie the characters will do whatever it takes to get what they need. From killing your own brother, to kicking a kid out of school so he can no longer be with his loved one.

Overall the film was ok. It was very different from the movies I normally see and there was a lot of shocking imagery, but I felt it was needed in the movie to portray how much in love the characters were with one another. The director is openly gay so I am not surprised on who risky this movie is. The film is very well made and Gael García Bernal is very good actor, but would I watch this movie again? Probably not, one time is more than enough for me, but I would recommend it to people who are interested edgy, risk, taking, movies.