Sunday, May 16, 2010

District B13

District B13 is a French movie directed by Pierre Morel and produced by Luc Besson. The film takes place in an alternative post apocalyptic France, where gangs have taken over one of the districts. The are is overrun with crime and drugs and is spiraling out of control. One day a timed nuclear bomb has been sent to the district. A good cop and a thug combine forces to stop the bomb from going off and figure out who was behind it.

The story is pretty simple. Stop the bad guys. This movie is more on the entertainment level and is all about kicking ass. The film is best know for is stunt sequences, which were done without wires or the use of CGI. The movie has action from the beginning to the end. Now I first heard about this movie by using you tube. I was looking up free running/ parkour and a clip from this movie poped up. I was hooked. It wasn’t until two years later I was able to watch it and I dragged my girlfriend with me to see it .

What was special about this movie is parkour, made famous by the films actor David Belle. Parkour is using the only the body to get from point A to point B in the fastest way possible. So if you would take the stairs to get to the top of a building, he would climb the building.

Overall this was a great movie that I can watch time and time again. This is a film all action junkies should see, and it shows that France can also make action movie just as entreating as America. This movie is a must see and should not be missed.


Tsotsi is a film by South African director Gavin Hood. The film is based on a novel by Athol Fugard. The movie is about a boy, Tsotsi, who is very troubled and lives his life as a thug. He steals and kills just to survive and sometimes for not reason at all. When you see his actions, it is very hard to see how this character can have any good in him.

One day he shoots a woman trying to get inside her house and steals her car. In the process of stealing her car, he finds out that she has a baby. Instead of leaving the car and the baby all together, he decides to take the baby for himself. It is very hard to imagine someone so violent take care of a baby. Since the beginning of the movie he has done nothing but beat and kill people. But from the looks of it, this may be his once chance for salvation.

We find out that he had father issues in a dream sequence. His real name is David, and his mother was very ill. He cares much for her but his father did not want him near her. His father felt that he would get sick too. A dog can be heard barking in the background, and the father breaks it’s back so he runs away from home. He tries to take care of the baby but needs a mother to give him milk. So he hold a new mother hostage until she breast feeds him. He become friends with the lady and wants to take care of him at first but will not let her.

The lady he shot is not dead and the cops are looking for David. Flyers are put around the town and people realize it is David. David and other friends go to the rich part of town and back to the house were the baby belongs. The husband is at the house as the rob it but things go wrong and David has to shoot his friend. David realizes he cannot keep the baby so he decides to return him. He gives the baby back to the mother and is arrested.
There is a lot going on in the movie and it was hard at first to even care for the protagonist because he was so evil. But as the film progressed we see another side of him, a side that shows the good in him. He loved his mother but his father kept him away from her. The movie really show how important a mother is to a child. Overall this was a great film that I will watch again.